Payment Methods: Accepted methods of payment, such as credit/debit cards, bank transfers, checks, or online payment platforms.
Payment Schedule: Details regarding when payments are due, whether it's monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Late Payment Penalties: Any fees or penalties incurred for late payments.
Refund Policy: Conditions under which refunds are issued, including deadlines and any deductions or fees.
Tuition Fees: Clear breakdown of tuition fees and any additional charges for services or activities.
Payment Policies: Any specific policies regarding scholarships, financial aid, or discounts.
Cancellation Policy: Terms and conditions for cancelling enrollment and any associated fees.
Privacy and Security: Assurance of secure payment processing and handling of personal information.
It's important to review the specific terms and conditions provided by Gauthami Techno School or any educational institution you're dealing with, as they may vary depending on the institution's policies and local regulations.